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Handgunner 3

Once all the fundamentals of operating a handgun are learned, it's time to add some real martial skills.  This class places a strong emphasis on movement.  No drill will be a simple "stand and blast" affair.  All drills will involve some amount of movement. 

Handgunner 3 will include shoot-and-move drills, shoot-on-the-move drills, and use of cover and concealment.  

The pre-requisites is intermediate pistol.  


What you will need:


Appropriate holster and belt. 

150 rounds of ammunition, no steel case or bullet


The holster must be worn on the strong side.  Strong side to include holster placement at the navel (12:00) to just behind the strong side hip (4:00). No holsters that require crossing the centerline of body are allowed.  No cross-draw, shoulder holsters, small of the back, middle of the back, or ankle holsters.  No holsters that require the use of the index finger to release the pistol from the holster (Blackhawk Serpa).  No reversed holsters that require the back of the hand to the torso to grip the pistol in the holster.


Hearing and eye protection (loaners available)




615 W Wilshire Blvd Ste. 1400

Oklahoma City, OK  73116


E :

​T :  405.608.4999

wilshire gun

Mon       |  Closed

Tue-Sat  |  10 – 9
Sun        |  10 – 7 



Every Tuesday Night

6:00 p.m. to close


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